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Thursday, December 20, 2012


Well, kind of anyway.  It snowed for a little bit and accumulated a little on the lawn.  I'm hoping we'll get more tonight so the kids can have some to play in tomorrow morning.  Otherwise we'll likely head to the library, so it's a win either way I suppose.

Today was a busy day, but apparently the kids needed that.  Oddly enough, we never left the house!  We had breakfast, read a bunch of books, and then made snickerdoodles this morning.  After lunch the kids took wonderful naps, likely due to the darkness and rain.  This afternoon they each had 2 snickerdoodles for snack and then we made handprint coasters for Jon's parents for Christmas.  They didn't turn out as well as I had hoped so we plan to see if we can find anything at the Grove on Saturday.  But I'm sure they'll still love them.  I plan to paint the second set with real paint after we get some on Sunday.  I let the kids use their washable finger paint on the first set since they didn't turn out great anyway.  Maybe we'll try the real salt dough that bakes in the oven next time.  But that took us just about until Jon got home.  I have made some more progress on the rugs for both kids as well.  They are both excited to see them grow.  I need to find a way to flatten them while I'm not working on them, I'm thinking I might put Carolyn's under the overturned coffee table tonight.  James' was started second so it's turning out a little better and is still pretty flat.  I have to start to decide what size I want these to be.  It's pretty clear I bought too much fabric, but you live and learn.

Jon's last day before break is tomorrow and I'm very excited.  I have to go tutor at 4:30 so I won't get to really relax until about 6.  But we have some fun things planned and then after Christmas we get to just relax as a family!  I'm really looking forward to it and hoping I don't get asked to tutor much.

Here's hoping for a bunch of snow to dump tonight!

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