About mid way through my pregnancy with Carolyn, my rings stopped fitting. When she was about 6 months old, my wedding ring fit, but my engagement ring never did. Then I got pregnant with James and the process repeated. Today I stepped on the scale and saw a number lower than I've seen in a long while. I am down 5.5lbs since I started weighing in 5 weeks ago. That's awesome progress for me. Jon suggested I try on my engagement ring today and it fit. It was a little hard to get off when we returned home because the room we were in for my grandma's party was so hot. But by this summer I hope to have lost another 10-15lbs and it should fit wonderfully. It's going to take a little while to get used to having the diamond sticking up on my finger and the extra sparkliness.
I have an appointment in the morning at Deerpath Primary Care in Libertyville. They focus more on treating the whole person and some of the doctors advocate Wheat Belly. We are going to start by trying to find a reason for my dizziness. And from there we'll get to a physical and just overall good health. I am hoping that we can discover what's behind this dizziness, because I have been having some really bad episodes lately.
Do make sure you let us know how it all goes tomorrow! And that's good news about the rings and the weight! I know how thrilling it is to see things finally falling in place and I'm happy for you!